Once you've chosen your Starter fare or Business Class fare you can begin to customise your flight. Depending on which fare you choose you’ll have a range of options so you can make sure your flight is right for you.
Inclusions such as food and drinks, refundable fares, and changes to origins and destinations are only available on some fare types. Click on your chosen fare and bundle type below to find out the rules that apply.
- Starter fare with Plus bundle fare rules purchased pre-4 June2024
- Business Class fare rules
- Business Class fare with Max bundle fare rules
- Starter fare rules
- Starter fare with Plus bundle fare rules
- Fare rules
- Starter fare with Max bundle fare rules purchased pre-4 June 2024
- Starter fare with Flex bundle fare rules purchased pre-June 4 2024
- Starter fare with Flex Plus bundle fare rules
- Starter fare with Flex bundle fare rules
- Updated Jetstar fares and bundles